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Shooting Practice

Welcome to our academy's courses!


Whether you're a beginner or an experienced shooter,

we have a range of courses to suit your needs. No pun intended. 

Our experienced instructors are dedicated to providing top-notch training to help you improve your shooting skills and knowledge of gun safety.

Don't wait

Call Now: 1-203-880-9231

CT Pistol Permit Certification
When: By Appointment
Cost: $165

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Unlock your right to carry with our Connecticut Pistol Permit Course. In compliance with state regulations. Our certified instructors provide hands-on training and guidance to ensure you meet all the requirements for obtaining your CT Pistol Permit. Join us and gain the knowledge and confidence to responsibly exercise your Second Amendment rights. Sign up today to secure your spot!

Learn More
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Pistol Skill Builder
When: Tuesdays

Duration: 3 Session
Cost: $375

Every TUESDAY Session will have:

  • Free Targets

  • Free Range Time

  • Free Instruction

  • A Training and Education Component

  • $10 (reg $15.00) GUN RENTALS (only for those waiting on Permit, MUST buy Range Ammo)

  • Challenge Targets and Shooting Drills

  • A Briefing and Debriefing Session for each shooter to develop their Training Plan.


Session 1

– Fundamentals - Grip, Stance, Aiming, Holding, Breathing, FOLLOW-THROUGH

 - Fundamentals

 - Building Structure

 - Building Body Mechanics

 - Dry Drills

Session 2

– Engage Multiple Targets – Looking for HIT RATE

 - Review and work on Session 1 drills

 - Trigger Control (reset)

 - Engaging Multiple Targets

 - Building Body Mechanics and 'fine tuning the Bot'

Session 3

– Different Distances and One Hand Shooting Technique

 - Review of sessions 1 & 2

 - One hand shooting

 - Differing Distances and group size

 - Shot Window (3 / 5)

Learn To:

* “Visualize the shot”

* “Feel The Shot” / ”Call the Shot” (Focus on the Fundamentals)

* Select the right handgun

* Shoot Accurately (aim small / miss small)

* Develop a Dynamic Training Plan

Learn Defensive Pistol at our academy. Our training focuses on real-world scenarios, defensive tactics, and situational awareness. As As a civilian your firearm training is very different to that of 'operators'.  Learn defensive skills, responsible use of deadly force, and the law.  You will enhance your self-defense abilities, this course provides valuable insights and practical skills.

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Personal Defense:
Defense Pistol Course
3 Sessions

3 sessions $400.00


Session 1 : 2.5 hours  (Basic handgun skills required)

 - Fundamentals of DFH (draw from holster) *

 - Selecting, using, dry training

 - Emergency Drills, Type 1 – 3 failures

 - Step off the 'X'

 - Developing speed

 - Programming neuro-muscular pathways 

Session 2 : 2.5 hours  Session 1 completion required *

 - What is Cover? What is Concealment?

 - Seeking Cover or Concealment

 - Shooting from Cover

 - Reload on the Move

 - Standing to Kneeling shooting

Session 3: 2.5 Hours  Sessions 1* & 2 required

 - Low Light – No Light conditions

 - Physiological Effects

 - Psychological Effects

 - Low-light Pistol manipulation

 - Methods of Flashlights use

New to Defensive Shooting?

Call us for an Introductory

or Certificated Course.

Limit –  8 shooters per session.

Stay Proficient
Tactical Thursday

Tactical Training sessions are 2X a month on the 2nd and 4th Thrusday.  These sessions are a great opportunity to:

 - test your EDC equipment and skills failures

 - speed and accuracy capabilities

 - proper use of RDS

 - mastering your micro-tasks

 - develop consistency, competence and confidence for concealed carry.

To participate you must complete an assessment ($175.00) with our Chief Instructor, then you can participate in Tactical Thursday  training sessions. Session are from 6 -8:30 p.m. and cost $75.00

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Combined Course:

Mastering the Handgun

COST: $495

DURATION: 1.5 hours per session

PROGRESSION: To participate in a later session you must complete previous session/s.

SIZE: 10 per class, 


Session 1 – Beginner - FUNDAMENTALS

Class covers………………….

  • Pistol Handling

  • Proper Stance

  • Traditional Fundamentals

Session 2 – Intermediate 1 – DEVELOPING THE RIGHT SHOT PROCESS

  • Learn the Coach / Pupil Method   

Session 3 – Intermediate 2 – INTRODUCTION TO CONCEALED CARRY

  • Safe, correct and proven procedures taught

Session 4 – Advanced 1 – CONCEALED CARRY ACCURACY

  • Acceptable accuracy when outside the COMFORT ZONE



  • Establish proper body mechanics and a training regime

Call Now to register:


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